The best dietary supplements and cosmetics. Over 60 choices for your wellness

The best dietary supplements and cosmetics. Over 60 choices for your wellness

I am very pleased to announce that Nuda Veritas has established an affiliate store with NuviaLab, an online store specializing in health and beauty products.
This store offers a wide range of nutritional supplements and cosmetics for those who want to stay healthy while maintaining a youthful and attractive appearance.

You can find products in the following categories at NuviaLab :

Diet and fitness
Hair and skin
Weight control
Health and wellness

Here are some of the products available in the NuviaLab store.


Dietary supplements and cosmetics

Silvets is the most popular weight loss product available on the Internet in UK.
The product stormed the European and American markets and since 2012 it has also been available on the UK market.

A carefully selected list of ingredients supports every weight loss program and the level of customer satisfaction is so high that most customers come back for more!

High quality of the product and excellent marketing campaign of Silvets’s producer made this product quickly gain popularity.
Every month, thousands of people are looking for this product on the Internet.


Integratori e prodotti per la salute

Profolan is the number one among hair loss products.
It’s the real thing, straight from the USA.

Profolan not only prevents hair thinning, but also stimulates growth.

The product is recommended by 9 of 10 people using it, which makes it the most desired hair loss product on the market.
In addition, Profolan not only stops hair loss, but also has beneficial effect on hair colour by preventing graying.

It is all natural formula and does not cause any side effects.


pro nonacne

Nonacne is a product supporting acne skin.
Product ingredients help eliminate acne and prevent its reappearance.

Taking this supplement regularly leads to a beautiful and smooth skin.
The product is very popular with teenagers and adults who also have to face the problem of acne.

Green Coffee 5K


Green Coffee 5K is the highest quality green coffee extract, which helps to weight loss and allows to achieve excellent results without restrictive diets and strenuous workouts.
This product is sought out by people who are planning to lose the excess weight healthily and effectively.

It contains 100% natural and safe composition, the only one on the market uses the power of up to 5000 mg extract of green coffee.
As a result, it works quickly and helps you lose weight quickly and safely!

Green Coffee 5K supports weight loss in many ways – reduces appetite, slows down the absorption of glucose, thereby allowing longer retain the feeling of satiety and blocking the storage of fat.
Tablets speed up metabolism and slow the skin aging process.

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Garcinia Cambogia Actives

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Garcinia Cambogia Actives is a number one among preparations aiding digestion, increasing metabolism, easing weight loss and keeping you fit.
Product is gladly chosen by people wanting to mindfully take care about their look with no side effects and harsh symptoms following loose of unnecessary kilograms.

Garcinia Cambogia Actives is based on 6 selected and very important ingredients with proven efficiency and repeated tests in area of impact on metabolism and fat storage in your body.
Garcinia’s work is based on exotic fruit that contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA) which burns fat and reduce appetite. Furthermore thanks to HCA, serotonin level is increased and it decreases need of snacking and helps to keep you fit.

Acai Berry Extreme

acai 1

Acai Berry Extreme is unquestionably one of the best weight loss management products.
The product contains 5000 mg of acai berry extract in each capsule.

Definitely, this product is for people who want to support their diet and want to soak up extra energy – because that is necessary to get through a slimming.

African Mango

pro africanmango 1

African Mango is one of the latest discoveries on the weight loss market.
The product contains an extract of African mango, whose slimming properties surpass the effectiveness of the popular acai berry extract.

The product stormed the American market and recently has also been available in Europe, where it is expected to have a bright future.

Eron Plus

Eron Plus pro

Eron Plus is a natural formula designed for men with erection problems. This revelatory combination of two packages of capsules means that using the product provides satisfactory effects in a short time.

Eron Plus is a brilliant solution for men who are dissatisfied with their sexual performance and want to get even more pleasure in bed.

ProBreast Plus

pro probreastplus 3

ProBreast Plus is the optimum set for breast enhancement consisting of a food supplement and cream. The product contains high-quality ingredients that guarantee maximum effects. The set is designed for women who want a natural and safe way to enlarge the size of their breasts up to 3 sizes.

Its regular application allows significant changes to be achieved after only a few weeks.

Mass Extreme

Mass Extreme is the number one product that allows you to quickly and effectively build muscle mass. The product uses the patented formula Pro Active Growth + Massive Testo Activator, whose action has been proved in tests.

All the ingredients have been chosen so that together they create a formula that instantly adds energy, lengthens training time, allows you to perform more reps and stimulates the body to build well defined muscle. You will not find another supplement in the market that has such comprehensive action.

Mass Extreme allows you to increase muscle mass by up to 96%.

Member XXL

Member XXL pro 10

Member XXL is currenty the best product designed for men who want to enlarge their penis. It has the advantage over other products in that it is very easy to use and 100% safe. It also guarantees spectacular effects, not available with other methods.

No pain, no discomfort and discreet. Member XXL meets all the expectations of men who want to feel more confident in the bedroom.

Member XXL’s unique recipe makes it the number 1 product for male enhancement.

Fibre Select


Fibre Select is the best vital fibre available on the market. The product contains high quality selected ingredients that effectively cleanse the body of toxins, and enhance well-being and overall health.

The effects are visible after a few days.

The product is available in dissolvable powder form.
Its flavour is neutral, so it can be combined with a favourite non-carbonated drink, yoghurt or water.

Snoran Plus

pro snoranplus 5

Snoran Plus is an effective way to stop snoring and get better sleep.
Taking it regularly helps in falling asleep and guarantees better rest.

The product is based exclusively on natural ingredients that act directly on the source of the problem.

Snoran Plus is designed for men and women who want to improve the functioning of the body and improve sleep quality by eliminating snoring.
The product’s effects can be seen from the first day of use.

Green Barley Plus

pro gbp 2

Green Barley Plus is the highest rated natural product containing green barley extract. Its slimming and cleansing properties intensify the presence of a legendary ingredient – garcinia cambogia.

The combination of two active substances has created an extremely powerful fat burner that further enhances the feeling of being full and improves the appearance of skin, hair and nails.

Green Barley Plus is a complete product.
It is recommended by people choosing a conscious lifestyle – healthy eating and physical activity.

Thanks to the high content of active substances it allows you to lose several pounds in a short time.

Spirulin Plus

pro spirulinplus 2

Spirulin Plus is an effective product that deacidifies the body and removes excess water. The product consists of high quality raw materials, which create a unique composition that functions incredibly. The main ingredient of the product is spirulina.

Regular use of Spirulin Plus guarantees the elimination of the effects of acid-base balance disorders and increases the immunity.


Testolan Pro3

Testolan is the first food supplement to regulate hormone management in men. Its natural ingredients combined with its unique formula mean that Testolan raises testosterone levels, thus removing the negative effects of testosterone deficiency that affect men as they age.

Testolan adds energy, strengthens and builds muscle mass, raises libido, improves body performance and increases sperm motility and mobility. It helps to reduce the adverse effects of the passage of time and provides a rush of energy.

Femin Plus

femin pro4

Femin Plus is an effective product that stimulates the libido in women and has a beneficial effect on improving the overall health of all women. The product consists of high-quality ingredients that manage the hormonal system.

Using the product definitely increases the desire for sex, ensures arousal, effectively reduces vaginal dryness and reduces mood swings during the menstrual period.

Probiosin Plus

Probiosin 010 pro

Probiosin Plus is a unique product with probiotic properties that effectively helps in supporting proper weight management. Thanks to the use of DRcaps® probiotic bacteria contained in the product are not neutralized in stomach acid, for this reason their actions are very effective.

Probiosin Plus is an ideal solution for those wanting to combine weight loss with looking after their health and the proper functioning of the intestines.

Fast Burn Extreme

pro fbe 01

Fast Burn Extreme is an effective multi-component fat burner designed for athletes and physically active people of all ages. Its regular use effectively supports fat metabolism and stimulates its reduction.

Fast Burn Extreme is the perfect solution for people who want to quickly and safely burn body fat and reduce body weight.


pro piperinox 5

Piperinox is a food supplement that supports weight management and has an extremely rich formula, which includes as many as 7 natural ingredients. Piperine – black pepper extract, the use of which results in weight loss, plays the key role in the product. Piperinox is a unique blend that is appreciated by all those trying to lose weight.

The product supports the digestion process, accelerates the metabolism, helps maintain normal blood sugar levels and allows the body to cleanse toxins. Piperinox is a great choice for all, regardless of the degree of excess weight or obesity and lifestyle.


Locerin 6

Locerin is a multi-ingredient food supplement that inhibits hair loss in women. Its rich formula with as many as 16 ingredients makes Locerin a unique product and will appeal to all hair lovers.

Locerin inhibits hair loss and supports hair growth. The supplement’s active ingredients go to the source of the problem, eliminating the causes responsible for poor hair condition. The product strengthens hair and contributes to maintaining its natural and distinct colour.

Women using Locerin admit that since they started taking the capsules, they do not need other additional supplements to keep their hair healthy.


pro proflexen 4

ProFlexen is an innovative food supplement that supports healthy joints. The multi-ingredient formula makes it unique and highly effective. The product improves joint mobility and provides essential nutrients to maintain healthy bones.

ProFlexen is recommended for people who want their joints to function properly. The effects of the supplement will be appreciated by everyone regardless of age and lifestyle. ProFlexen is the only formula like it available on the market abundant with natural ingredients.


Thyrolin pro3

Thyrolin is an innovative food supplement supporting thyroid health. A rich product formula covering a total of 13 natural ingredients has resulted in the creation of a unique supplement supporting the production of thyroid hormones.

Thyrolin increases the metabolism and improves digestion. Moreover it increases the feeling of satiety, thanks to which this contributes to a reduction in body mass.  This product also helps maintain the correct blood sugar level and cholesterol level in the blood.

Thyrolin is a supplement operating on many levels, which makes it much appreciated by persons suffering from hypothyroidism, as well as persons wanting to look after the health of this very important gland.


VariCorin 0020 3

Varicorin is a unique and rich formula of nutritious ingredients, which help in the proper functioning of the blood vessels and eliminate the feeling of heavy legs. The supplement is specifically recommended for women, who are struggling with the problem of varicose veins and broken capillaries.

Varicorin allows you to effectively fight varicose veins and the feeling of heavy legs. The supplement helps circulation, increases the elasticity of the blood vessels and reduces swelling.

Varicorin looks after the circulatory system, helps maintain the correct blood pressure and improves the functioning of the heart. The supplement’s multidimensional properties allow it to be addressed to a wide range of recipients. This is the only product on the market offering such a rich composition of ingredients guaranteeing high effectiveness.

Collagen Select

pro collagen select 3

Collagen Select is a food supplement aimed at women who want to maintain beautiful, firm and healthy skin. The product has a 9-component formula and tropical taste, which will appeal to all women. VERISOL® collagen hydrolysate plays a key role in the Collagen Select food supplement as it contributes to increased skin elasticity and reduction of wrinkles.

Collagen Select is a complex that supports the production of collagen, improving the health of the skin, hair and nails. In addition, the product helps to keep mucous membranes in excellent condition.

Collagen Select has the ability to neutralise free radicals, thereby protecting cells and delaying the aging process. This agent works on many levels, improving imperfections and promoting a healthy skin appearance.


Keto Actives

pro keto actives 3

Keto Actives is a food supplement supporting weight loss. We specifically recommend it to those on the ketogenic diet. It contains 8 components combined in one foolproof supplement, which helps in the reduction of fatty tissue and stops its storage.

Moreover, Keto Actives helps in maintaining the proper cholesterol and sugar blood levels. The supplement is also recommended for those persons with an excessive appetite, as the extracts and minerals included in it suppress hunger.

Keto Actives boosts energy, increases stamina and concentration, thanks to which it is very effective in the period of adapting to ketosis. When using the capsules in addition to the diet, the first effects will be visible in just a few weeks.



pro semaxin 6 scaled 1

Semaxin is a food supplement, the main aim of which is to support male fertility and potency. The product was created using 12 ingredients, which together contribute to maintaining a man’s sexual functions.

What is important, the application of the ingredients in the supplement has clinically proven actions.

Semaxin supports the spermatogensis proccess (sperm production), improves the quality of the sperm and increases its volume, increases the libido and also eliminates erection problems in a natural manner, safe for the body.

Moreover, Semaxin stimulates the testosterone production process – the most important male sex hormone. A drop in the level of this hormone is visible with age, and Semaxin‘s task is to eliminate the effects of this process.

Brain Actives

BrainActives pro 5

Brain Actives is a modern food supplement that is the best support for the brain. The supplement is used during periods of increased mental and physical exertion. Its safe formula helps to strengthen and develop cognitive functions.

The Brain Actives food supplement was created using 10 ingredients. Mixed together, they form a complex that strengthens memory and concentration, speeds up the learning process, increases alertness and focus, and also reduces reaction time.

The product is recommended for people who want to increase energy levels, assimilate knowledge faster, work more intensively and achieve higher results in sports.


Folisin pro 6

Folisin is a product for hair loss in men. To create the recipe of the food supplement, as many as 13 ingredients were used that inhibit baldness, support hair growth and have a positive effect on the condition of the scalp, creating the perfect environment for new hair growth.

Importantly, all the ingredients used to create the tablets are safe for the body and do not cause side effects.

Folisin food supplement provides the body with a number of important nutrients, the deficiency of which is one of the causes of hair loss. Regular use of the supplement counteracts this process and supports hair regrowth in places where they have already fallen out, such as the bend or the top of the head.

In addition, Folisin helps maintain optimal blood testosterone levels and has a positive effect on pigmentation, allowing you to maintain the natural color of your hair.

Nutrigo Lab Strength

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Nutrigo Lab Strength is a food supplement for professional athletes, intended for use before training. The food supplement uses as many as 18 ingredients that give the product exceptional nutritional values.

Nutrigo Lab Strength is a pre-workout dedicated to bodybuilders, fighters and runners.

Nutrigo Lab Strength allows you to prepare your muscles for intense exercise, increases motivation to exercise and reduces the feeling of fatigue associated with training. The ingredients contained in the pre-workout allow you to reduce stress and increase physical and mental fitness.

The supplement contains a complex of ingredients called Strong VASCULAR Booster, whose task is to increase the muscle pump and accelerate readiness to undertake training.

Nutrigo Lab Burner

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Nutrigo Lab Burner is a food supplement addressed to persons who want to lose weight and shape their figure.  The product contains 6 ingredients, which are considered to be natural fat tissue reducers.

The Nutrigo Lab Burner food supplement is especially recommended for athletes who want to quickly lose excess kilograms and expose their muscles.

Nutrigo Lab Burner helps to reduce body fat and prevents its storage.  Regular use of the capsules helps reduce the appetite and maintain normal blood glucose levels.

The effectiveness of the supplement is primarily influenced by the SINETROL® Xpur component, which increases the rate of release of fatty acids and glycerol.

Cappuccino MCT

Cappuccino MCT pro 5

Cappuccino MCT is a coffee with slimming properties. It is so-called bulletproof coffee – a beverage with the addition of healthy fat, allowing you to lose weight, decrease your appetite and improve cognitive functions.

Cappuccino MCT is a product that gives the body a huge boost of energy, driving the metabolism and fat burning process.

The Cappuccino MCT food supplement is based on 8 ingredients, which naturally contribute to the loss of excess weight. The supplement accelerates the speed of burning calories, inhibits the process of fat storage, increases the feeling of being full and  stimulates you to act.


Restilen pro 06

Restilen is an effective way to forget about stress. Taking it regularly helps to increase resistance to stress, reduce stress symptoms, fatigue and exhaustion. The product is based exclusively on natural ingredients that act directly on the source of the problem.

Restilen is designed for men and women who has ever felt stress, anxiety or nervousness and wants to relieve the stress. The product’s effects can be seen from the first day of use.

Expansil Cream

Expansil Cream pro2

Expansil Cream is a cream aimed at improving circulation in intimate areas and enlarging the penis. The product was created on the basis of 100% natural ingredients that support the sexual functions of every man. Expansil Cream does not cause side effects and is safe even for the most delicate skin.

Regular use of Expansil Cream allows you to increase the length and thickness of the penis, and also increases endurance during intercourse. The effects are visible a few minutes after application, as evidenced by a strong and long-lasting erection.

Thanks to the ingredients used, Expansil Cream increases libido and guarantees stronger orgasms. It is a completely natural product that is a male enhancer in a cream.

Revamin Stretch Mark

Revamin Stretch Mark pro 05

Revamin Stretch Mark is an advanced cream that helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks. The cosmetic contains extracts, vitamins and oils that improve the condition of the skin on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and arms.

The natural formula of the product makes it safe for the skin and does not cause side effects.

Regular use of Revamin Stretch Mark helps to lighten stretch marks. The skin’s elasticity and firmness are also improved.

Additionally, the skin becomes visibly softer and more nourished. The product can also be used prophylactically to prevent the appearance of new stretch marks.


Zinamax pro 05

Zinamax is a food supplement that helps in the elimination of acne. The product is dedicated to people who want to get rid of pimples, inflammation, and also improve the condition of their complexion. The effects of the pills can be observed even after the first month of use.

The product has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.
It deeply moisturizes the skin and supports wound healing. In addition, it reduces the production of sebum, leaving the skin in excellent condition.

Zinamax is based on plant extracts, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients known for their anti-acne properties. The product’s main ingredient is lactoferrin, a protein that exhibits a number of properties, including antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiparasitic activity.

Moringa Actives

Moringa Actives pro 05

Moringa Actives is a modern food supplement that supports weight loss. The product was designed for people who want to maintain a healthy body weight, reduce the feeling of hunger and support the metabolism.

The main component of the Moringa Actives food supplement is an extract from the leaves of moringa oleoderma, which acts on many levels, supporting the weight loss process.
The plant reduces the accumulation of fat tissue, helps maintain normal blood sugar levels, lowers cholesterol levels and supports detoxification of the body.

Moringa Actives capsules also contain black pepper fruit extract, Malabar tamarind extract and chromium. These ingredients help to maintain a healthy body weight.


GigantX pro 05

GigantX is a penis enhancer in the form of a food supplement. The product helps to increase penis size and improves the quality of sexual life. The innovative formula of the makes this supplement superior to other penis enlargement methods and allows for a 100% safe, comfortable and discreet increase in penis size.

GigantX has been created based on ingredients which improve blood vessel patency, enhance the erection and increase sexual performance.
However, the list of product advantages is much longer.

NuviaLab Keto

NuviaLab Keto pro 5

NuviaLab Keto is a multi-ingredient food supplement that supports weight control while on the ketogenic diet. It is dedicated to people who want to lose weight while following a high-fat diet.

NuviaLab Keto supports weight loss, adds energy, supports fat metabolism and provides support during the so-called “keto flu”. In addition, the product improves digestion and helps stabilize blood sugar levels. NuviaLab Keto is the perfect solution for people who want to achieve ketosis.

NuviaLab Vitality

NuviaLab Vitality pro 5

NuviaLab Vitality is a multi-ingredient food supplement designed for active men, who want to take care of their health and vitality in a comprehensive way. The product formula was created using the highest quality natural plant extracts, vitamins and minerals. NuviaLab Vitality is a food supplement, which draws the best from nature.

The product increases energy and vitality, supports fertility and increases sexual desire. It additionally supports the maintenance of correct testosterone levels in the body. NuviaLab Vitality supports muscle function, so the product is also valued by athletes.

NuviaLab Vitality is comprehensive support for the male body.

Bulk Extreme

Bulk Extreme pro 03

Bulk Extreme is a cutting-edge nutritional supplement designed for strength-training athletes. The product helps build muscle mass, supports physical and mental fitness, reduces the feeling of fatigue and tiredness, and helps optimise the levels of the most important male sex hormone – testosterone.

Bulk Extreme is a guarantee that you will achieve your figure goals. Men who use this product enjoy increased strength and performance, and notice enhanced sexual capabilities. The innovative formula created from 13 natural ingredients is responsible for the effective action of the product.


Fat Burn Active

FBA pro 04

Fat Burn Active is a food supplement addressed to people who want to lose weight and achieve their figure goals. The product contains as many as 11 natural ingredients, which combined together work by using synergy and strengthen the athlete’s body.

The Fat Burn Active food supplement accelerates fat tissue burning and facilitates weight control.

Regular use of the capsules has a positive effect on the rate of metabolism, as well as increasing efficiency and reducing fatigue. Fat Burn Active is an ideal solution for people who want to lose weight actively, healthily and naturally.

fat burn

Erisil Plus

Erisil Plus PRO 06

Erisil Plus is a multi-ingredient food supplement for sexually active men. The natural formula of the product helps to induce and maintain an erection and has a positive effect on male fertility. Regular use of Erisil Plus capsules helps to maintain good sexual relations, supports the proper functioning of the prostate and helps to maintain correct reproductive functions.

The high effectiveness of Erisil Plus capsules results from the unique 11-ingredient formula, which consists of plant extracts, amino acids and vitamins and minerals. These ingredients combined together contribute to the preservation of a man’s sexual function.


NuviaLab Relax

NuviaLab Relax PRO5

NuviaLab Relax is a food supplement that supports the maintenance of a good mood and emotional balance. This carefully developed formula helps you to relax and maintain a good mood.

In addition, the ingredients contained in NuviaLab Relax induce a feeling of calmness, have an adaptogenic effect, support cognitive abilities, and contribute to improving the quality of sleep.

The effective action of NuviaLab Relax is the result of a combination of 10 natural ingredients with a synergistic effect. It contains a standardized blend of Calmomix® extracts, Golden root extract Rhodiolife®, magnesium and B vitamins. This is the best combination of ingredients to bring relaxation, good mood and restorative sleep.

NuviaLab Immune

NuviaLab Immune PRO5

NuviaLab Immune is a food supplement, which supports the functioning of the immune system in a comprehensive way. The product contains the highest quality plant extracts that help increase immunity and accelerate regeneration.

In addition, the supplement strengthens the body and has a positive effect on overall health. NuviaLab Immune is recommended for people who want to improve their mood, increase efficiency and support the body’s defence mechanisms.

NuviaLab Immune capsules are a combination of 7 natural ingredients, such as: Japanese pearl flower extract, yeast extract, elderberry extract, rosehip extract, zinc, rutin and high dose of vitamin D.
NuviaLab Immune is an innovative product which has been missing on the market so far.

Bravona Forte

Bravona Forte PRO5

Bravona Forte is a breast enlargement kit, which includes a food supplement and a cream. The product is intended for women who want to improve the shape and size of their breasts. The natural composition and safety of application make women willingly choose Bravona Forte.

The effects of the cream and the food supplement are visible after just a few weeks.

The product is rich in phytoestrogens, which positively influence women’s hormonal balance and help improve the appearance of the bust. Bravona Forte can be an excellent alternative to expensive, invasive treatments.

NuviaLab Meno

Nuvia Lab Meno PRO 6

NuviaLab Meno is an innovative food supplement dedicated to women during menopause. The rich formula of ingredients makes it easier to cope with typical symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, sweating, anxiety or irritability.

Regular use of NuviaLab Meno contributes to regulating hormonal activity and reducing feelings of fatigue and tiredness. The supplement makes it easier to fall asleep, supports the maintenance of well-being, and adds energy.

The formula, which consists of up to 9 natural ingredients, is responsible for the effective action of the product.

Lipid Control Plus

Lipid Control Plus PRO8

Lipid Control Plus is a multi-ingredient food supplement designed for people who want to take comprehensive care of their cholesterol levels, liver health and cardiovascular system. The product has been created on the basis of 8 natural ingredients.

Regular use of Lipid Control Plus helps to take care of the lipid profile.

The product supports detoxification and the flow of digestive juices.

Lipid Control Plus also prevents the accumulation of fats and improves their removal by the liver. Consumers will appreciate that the product supports heart health and supports proper liver function.

GOAT Stamina

GOAT Stamina PRO6

GOAT Stamina is an innovative multi-ingredient food supplement designed for gamers. The right combination of ingredients makes the product reduce the feeling of fatigue without causing irritability, which is often the case when consuming coffee or energy drinks.

A huge advantage of GOAT Stamina is its duration of action – even up to 6 hours after consumption.

The product contains no sugar and does not cause a caffeine crash. GOAT Stamina supports concentration and cognitive function, increases alertness and focus, improves mood and mental performance, and reduces reaction time.


Meltamin PRO5

Meltamin is a modern fat burner in the form of a beverage with a cactus fruit flavor. The product contains a unique complex of 11 ingredients that contribute to the reduction of body fat and increase the body’s efficiency during exercise.

Meltamin is dedicated to both professional athletes and people who simply want to lose weight.

The ingredients of the Meltamin food supplement stimulate fat metabolism, support the removal of excess water from the body and contribute to maintaining normal blood glucose levels.
In addition, the product helps reduce feelings of fatigue and tiredness and reduces the degree of exertion felt during exercise.

NuviaLab Flex

NuviaLab Flex PRO6

NuviaLab Flex is a multi-ingredient food supplement that supports joint health. Regular use of the product helps maintain the flexibility of the joints and supports their comfortable functioning. Importantly, NuviaLab Flex is a food supplement that is effective regardless of the cause of joint problems.

The product’s ingredients help control inflammatory reactions in the body and contribute to maintaining bone and joint health.

In addition, the supplement supports the production of collagen, which translates into the optimal functioning of cartilage. The product’s high efficacy makes NuviaLab Flex the No. 1 choice for people struggling with joint pain.


Dentolan PRO5

Dentolan is a multi-ingredient food supplement dedicated to people with bad breath. The product has a soothing effect on the throat and vocal cords. In addition, it supports digestive processes, as well as contributes to improving intestinal comfort and maintaining the normal pH of gastric juice.

Dentolan demonstrates an effective action regardless of the cause of bad breath. The product’s rich formula will prove effective regardless of whether the cause of halitosis is bacteria, stimulants used, digestive disorders or certain foods.

Night Mega Burner

Night Mega Burner PRO4

Night Mega Burner is a multi-ingredient food supplement that supports fat reduction at night. Use of the product contributes to weight loss and increases the body’s resistance to stress. Night Mega Burner makes it easier to fall asleep and achieve a state of relaxation. In addition, the product contributes to regulating hormonal activity and maintaining normal protein and glycogen metabolism.

The effectiveness of Night Mega Burner is due to 10 ingredients, among which you will find certified plant extracts, vitamins and minerals. Such a rich complex of ingredients ensures excellent results.

NuviaLab Sugar Control

NuviaLab Sugar Control PRO 4

NuviaLab Sugar Control is a unique food supplement that supports the maintenance of normal blood sugar levels. Regular use of the product supports the maintenance of proper macronutrient metabolism in the blood, contributes to the regulation of hormonal activity and the reduction of feelings of fatigue. 

In addition, NuviaLab Sugar Control helps reduce appetite and calorie intake.

NuviaLab Sugar Control is a combination of 9 ingredients that work together to create an effective supplement to help control blood sugar levels. It includes certified plant extracts, as well as vitamins and minerals.

NuviaLab Female Fertility

NuviaLab Female Fertility PRO4

NuviaLab Female Fertility is a 19-ingredient food supplement that is a natural support for female fertility. The product is formulated with the highest quality plant extracts, vitamins and minerals to support female reproductive health.

Regular use of NuviaLab Female Fertility helps to maintain normal fertility and also supports the maintenance of natural sexual activity. The product plays an important role in the cell division process and reduces feelings of fatigue and tiredness. NuviaLab Female Fertility is the ideal solution for the modern woman.


Folicerin PRO1

Folicerin is a modern anti-hair loss shampoo dedicated to men. The cosmetic formula helps to prevent hair loss, thickens and strengthens new hair strands, improves microcirculation of the scalp and thoroughly cleanses and conditions.

Folicerin is a safe and gentle product for the skin, so it can be used daily. The shampoo’s ingredients are surrounded by biopolymer particles with a diameter of more than 200 nm, which ensures the stabilisation of sensitive active substances and increases their effectiveness. It is an innovative product, which makes it of great interest to men.

LactiFresh Gel

LactiFresh PRO6

LactiFresh Gel is a modern gel for women intended for the care of intimate areas. The product restores the natural pH of the intimate regions, refreshes, moisturises, soothes irritations and prevents the effects of genital microflora disorders.

The product is characterised by a high content of lactic acid, which lowers the pH of the intimate area, which has a beneficial effect on a woman’s intimate health. In addition, this ingredient can prevent infections and reduce vaginal odour. In addition to lactic acid, aloe vera juice is also present in LactiFresh Gel, which promotes the healing of intimate area mucous membranes, reduces redness and moisturises.

Prostan Plus

Prostan Plus PRO3

Prostan Plus is a multi-ingredient food supplement that supports prostate health. It contributes to the maintenance of healthy prostate function, supports the maintenance of normal urinary function and contributes to urinary comfort in men. Prostan Plus also supports peak urinary flow and renal excretory function.

The high efficacy of Prostan Plus is due to the use of up to 12 ingredients, which combined together provide innovative and powerful support for prostate health. Regular use of the product helps restore male energy, improve fertility, and maintain normal male sexual function.


Prenatalin PRO 7

Prenatalin is a set of two food supplements designed for women who are pregnant, nursing and trying to get pregnant.

The set includes two products :

  • Prenatalin Multi : a vitamin and mineral complex.
  • Prenatalin Omega 3 : a set of omega-3 fatty acids (DHA+EPA) from fish oil.

The product contributes to the growth of maternal tissues during pregnancy, supports the normal development of the fetus and breastfed infants, and helps maintain fertility. Prenatalin is an excellent support for the mother and baby during a period when nutrient requirements are significantly increased.

Matcha Extreme

Matcha Extreme PRO5

Matcha Extreme is a modern food supplement for the preparation of a delicious tea. The product contains ingredients that help control body weight and contribute to the removal of excess water from the body. In addition, the supplement supports the body’s detoxification processes and has a positive effect on blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

The Matcha Extreme formula is based on 4 highly effective ingredients, such as matcha green tea leaf powder, spirulina, prickly pear fruit extract and acerola fruit extract. It is a tasty and effective way to lose weight.

Eyevita Plus

Eyevita Plus PRO5

Eyevita Plus is a multi-ingredient dietary supplement for people who want to take comprehensive care of their eye health and vision quality. The product is designed for people who spend long hours in front of computer screens, as well as to support eyes in everyday activity.​

Each Eyevita Plus capsule encapsulates essential nutrients to help reduce eye fatigue, improve visual clarity and support the protection of the eyes against dry eye syndrome. Eyevita Plus also protects against the negative effects of blue light, which is emitted by electronic devices.


Flexomore PRO6

Flexomore is a multi-ingredient dietary supplement that supports joint and bone health. The product is mainly dedicated to athletes and physically active people. Regular use of Flexomore helps to maintain the flexibility of joints and supports their comfortable functioning.

The dietary supplement contains ingredients that support the maintenance of healthy bones and joints and stimulate the production of collagen, contributing to the proper functioning of cartilage. Furthermore, Flexomore helps to maintain joint mobility and prevents morning stiffness.

The product comes in powder form and is distinguished by its delicious orange and peach flavour.

Crave Burner

Crave Burner PRO6

Crave Burner is a multi-ingredient food supplement that supports control over appetite and body mass. The ingredients that make up this unique formula support fat metabolism and fat reduction, contribute to a reduced appetite and help increase the feeling of satiety. Moreover, regular use of Crave Burner has a beneficial effect on digestive comfort and helps maintain stable blood glucose levels.

The high effectiveness of Crave Burner is due to its unique blend of 7 ingredients, which naturally facilitate a return to your former slim figure. The product is ideal for people who have difficulty controlling their calorie intake.